Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Angelique's Spellbook

All witches are required to keep a Book of Shadows, a record of their spells.  Here are the incantations and secret, magical recipes utilized by the witch Angelique, in all her forms and manifestations:

Using Voodoo to Cripple or Kill

One of Angelique's most effective -- and oft-used -- powers:  to destroy an enemy from far away (or nearby), usually requiring a personal object and a doll of some kind.

"Wake up, little soldier.  The time has come for duty.  We'll start with just a little pressure ... just enough to make you slightly uncomfortable ..."

"Do you remember when Sarah was very ill?  She had a terrible pain here, in her shoulder ... and another here, in her chest!  This pin is aimed at her heart if you come a step closer.  She will not die ... but she will come close.  Very close ..."

"You're in my hands, Eric Lang, as much clay as this figure I hold here, and I have as much power over you as I have over this.  I can break off an arm and your arm will be broken.  I can touch this with my finger and wherever I touch this clay figure you will burn, for my power was given to me by the devil himself, and you will know it soon!"

 "You are Adam, made by man, and Adam can be destroyed as easily as I can tear this doll apart.  Your heart is here ... and when this heart stops beating, Barnabas Collins will be a vampire again!"

"Such a fragile little neck ... it's almost a shame to hurt it, isn't it." 

Ingredients:  jewel of antiquity, personal object of the victim

"Jewel of antiquity, dispatch your powers of reflection.  Through these flames, bring me an image of those I seek.  Show me where they are, this moment!  Mr. Trask, you will hear my voice, but only in your mind, for I am going to enter your mind and you will not be able to resist me.  Your will power will crumble before my commands and your mind, your thoughts, will be under my control.  You will do what I tell you to do.  Now, Mr. Trask ... I am taking control now!  Your mind belongs to me!  You must accept that.  There are no other choices open to you.  You will lift up the pistol, Mr. Trask and you will take the pistol to the drawing room.  When you get to the drawing room, you will know what to do.  The pistol, Mr. Trask ... take the pistol in your hand and raise it to your temple.  At the count of three, Mr. Trask, you will pull the trigger ..."

"Prince of Fire ... I call upon the flame to summon you, in this, my most desperate hour of need.  I call upon all the dark creatures of nature to aid me in the destruction of one who is my most mortal enemy.  Prince of Fire ... hear my call.  Know that I have always been your most faithful, trusted, and obedient servant.  I beseech you, grant me the power to destroy this man who calls himself Gerard Stiles, but who is in reality the embodiment of Judah Zachery.  Let him suffer, as he has caused so many others to suffer ... and then let him die, that this house may be rid of him forever.  I beg you, in the name of every evil spirit that is obedient to you.  Return him now to the hell from whence he came!"

To Enslave a Servant

"My will is your will.  You will do whatever I tell you to do.  You shall be my slave.  Now that you have drunk that, you are in my power, and I will protect you from all evil spirits ... even from death itself.  For yours is the hand I will use when mine is too small, your arm when mine is too weak ... and we are united by invisible bonds that can never be broken."

To Kindle an Ill-Fated Love

 Ingredients:  An unbroken spider web from an oak tree, a headless doll, a handkerchief, and a lock of hair from the object of the spell to bind it, acting as a belt.

"The cobweb of love will trap Josette, and the strands of the web will be as iron.  Josette loves Jeremiah ... Josette loves Jeremiah ... Josette loves Jeremiah ..."

"Sometimes love is headless, Ben.  The heart replaces the head."

 Ingredients:  A handkerchief belonging to the object of the spell, sprinkled with enchanted rosewater, affixed to the other object of the spell.

"Make a flame where there was no flame before ... and let that flame transmit the power of love to those who look into it.  Quentin Collins and Maggie Evans - you will look into the flame as if it were a mirror to the future.  Your future is there.  Your future is love.  There's no turning back now.  You must both accept it.  You are both prisoners of your love for each other."  When the sign of the pitchfork appears:  "Quentin Collins and Maggie Evans:  this is the sign that binds you.  This is the sign of your love for each other.  And whenever it appears, no power on earth can keep you apart!'

To Create a Fire

 Ingredients:  A miniature replica of a tree.  Lightning the replica on fire causes the tree to burst into blame.

To Summon the Dead from the Grave

Ingredients:  A toy coffin containing a clay doll, representing the ghost to be summoned.

“Let the spirit of dark night take possession of this place!  Someone is here -- someone you said you loved once.  She is waiting for you!  Turn and look at her!  You will look at her and you will not look away!  Yes, Daniel -- your wife.  You see, I know all about you - every secret.  Wouldn't you like to hear her speak?  Wouldn't you like to hear her scream the night you murdered her?  She remembers the night you murdered her on Widow's Hill!  She will not be denied her revenge.  Her cold hand -- you are going to feel the cold touch ... of death.  You will understand that, whenever you start to remember, she will come to you.  Harriet Collins ... return again to the waters that are your grave ... but know that you are to come to Daniel whenever he thinks of Angelique."

To Banish a Ghost

"With every power I have -- I call upon Beelzebub to take you back to the earth of which are you are a part!  Go!  Now!"

"Your flames will not work, Reverend Trask.  My power is stronger than yours, and I will summon all the power at my command to put them out!  In a moment, your flames will be nothing but harmless smoke."

To Banish an Enemy

Ingredients:  Three candles and a mirror will enable you to imitate the voice of another.

Ingredients:  Tarot cards, candle.

 "I call upon the heart of fire burning within the heart of ice, the fire that freezes and does not consume itself.  I summon the eye of fire which burns with the icy eye, which watches over all things evil.  I call it to this room of my own creation.  Heart of fire ... heart of ice ... fiery eye of coldest evil.  Burn!  I command you to come and burn ... burn ... burn!" 

To Create a Mystical Spy

Ingredients:  a pair of eyes drawn upon a piece of paper.

"Eyes of the night ... there is a body you can borrow and become my eyes in the night.  Those eyes can watch Barnabas wherever he goes, see whoever he sees, tell me what happens to him.  I need your eyes in the night ... you must watch him well ... find him now at Collinwood where he must be ... find him!"

The Curse of the Vampire

"You didn't do the job well enough, Barnabas.  I'm not dead yet, and while I can still breathe I will have my revenge!  I set a curse on you, Barnabas Collins!  You wanted your Josette so much; well, you shall have her ... but not in the way you would have chosen.  You will never rest, Barnabas, and you will never be able to love anyone ... for whoever loves you ... will die.  That is my curse ... and you will live with it through all eternity!"

To Return from the Grave

Ingredients:  using a portrait of yourself will allow you to return to earth, traverse the centuries, and stay eternally young.

To Cast a Dream Curse

"Beware of dreams, Barnabas ... of yours, and of those of everyone about you -- because that is the way the curse will return to you again.  It will be a Dream Curse!  First one person will have the dream, and that person will remained terrified by the experience ... until they tell the dream to a second person.  Only this the time dream will go a step further and be even more terrifying.  That person will not rest until he has told the dream to a third person ... and that person will have the dream ... and he will tell it to a fourth, and on and on it will go, and each time the horror of it will increase, and the terror will mount, and the fear will be even more unbearable until ... finally ..."

"...someone tells it to you, Barnabas.  And then you will have the dream.  Step by step you will go until the very end ... and the dark and terrifying thing you will find there will turn your blood to ice!"

"Let the Dream Curse begin this night, which will be carried by the wind until it finds its way to someone who is the image of one you loved.  It will go deep into the sleeping mind of Maggie Evans, and she will be the first to know the terrible fear it carries with it.  Sleep, Maggie, sleep ... your mind is free and clear, Maggie, ready to accept the Dream.  You will not resist.  You will allow the Dream to enter and you will become its prisoner until your fear reaches the level of your endurance.  Now, Maggie, let the Dream begin.  Now ..."

To Cast a Death Curse

"Mrs. Stoddard, look at me.  Do you know what your problem is and always has been?  You spend much too much time thinking of the problems of other people.  It's your way to escape from the emptiness of your own life ... because that is what your life has been up until now -- empty and uneventful.  But all that is going to change, because I'm going to give you something to think about ... something that will fill your every waking moment ... and that is ... death, in all its forms and manifestations.  You will think of it night and day!  Death ... death, Mrs. Stoddard.  And most of all ... your own death!"

"You can feel it happening, can't you.  You're beginning to think of death again, aren't you ... just as I told you you would!  Death, Mrs. Stoddard.  And the closer I come to you, the nearer you are to it.  I must touch you ... and when I do, it will be as though you are dead ... I promised you that!  It's coming true, Mrs. Stoddard ... it's all coming true!"

"Soon they will come for you … soon they will bury you never knowing the real truth.  They will place you in your casket and bury you in the earth.  Then and only then will I release you from my spell.  You will awaken and find yourself in your tomb … a tomb from which you can never escape.  You will scream and cry out for help but no one will hear you.  Then gradually – gradually you will die again and this death will be the most terrifying death of all.  But what death could be more fitting for the woman Barnabas loves?"

To Summon from Afar

"Hear my voice, Sam Evans ... listen carefully to what I say.  You must not die yet.  You must live.  You must live until Victoria Winter is at your side and you have told her the dream.  Vicki must hear the Dream, for it is she who will take the final step and bring the Dream to Barnabas Collins!"

"Willie Loomis ... Willie Loomis ... you will hear my voice ... the wind will carry my voice to you wherever you are and you will hear me calling you ... come to me ... come to the terrace at Collinwood.  I'll be waiting for you there.  You will hear my voice, Willie, and you will obey me.  You will obey me ... you have no choice.  Yes, you've heard my voice.  You will obey me.  You will come to me."

Occasionally, one needs no incantation at all.  Enough practice will guarantee a summons may be sent psychically.

To Transcend Time

Ingredients:  one mystical amulet

"I address the powers of time and space ... I command those powers to open the way for one who wishes to return to another time, another place.  Her mind is suspended now ... free of all things present, waiting to be guided back, given temporary refuge in the past.  She is waiting!  She is waiting!  Take her back to the year 1795!"

To Summon the Devil

Ingredients:  one candle.

"Prince of Fire ... I call upon the flame to summon you.  I call out all the dark creatures of nature to summon you here to me.  Prince of Fire ... rise ... hear me as I call to you!  Rise from the curling flames!  I summon you in the name of the seven plagues, in the name of the charred and blackened stars that rained at my beginnings ... to rise out of the darkness of the earth!  I call you forth ... from the mouth of the dragon, and of the beast, and of the false prophet!  I call you forth from the subterranean rivers of blood, from the smoke of torment that rises forever and ever!  In the name of every evil spirit ... evil ... and obedient only to you ... I evoke you!  Appear to me ... now!  Now!"

To Age an Enemy

"Laura Collins ... wherever you are, you will hear my voice and you will know that the power to command you is mine, for I have invoked the Powers of Darkness and you cannot resist me!  Your children are waiting ... when you appear to them, they will not know you ... you will be a stranger to them!  Hear me, Laura Collins ... hear me now ... you are in the presence of an enemy ... you enemy is time!  All the years and centuries and eras you have lived through and known ... I have summoned your enemy to confront you now and you will appear as you really are ... as you really are, Laura Collins!"

To Use a Magical Artifact

"Emperor Lucifer ... master of all the revolted spirits ...I entreat thee to favor me in the adjuration which I address to thee.  I beg thee to protect me in my undertaking; be propitious to me and allow me to use the powers of this Hand to do my bidding!"

To Create a Doppelganger

Ingredients:  a mirror to catch the reflection of the subject, earth from the newest grave
“Since sleep is the twin of death and death is the twin of life ... sleep in this mirror until you are awakened, twin of Barnabas Collins ... sleep until you are awakened!  As death is the twin of life, you, the twin of Barnabas Collins, take the breath of life from death.  Leave the frozen world and come to life ... come to life!  Come to life!"

 To Seek and Find

"Victoria Winters ... I cannot see you ... I must know the end of this journey.  Let the flames burn up the distance between us ... let the flames show me where you are headed.  Let my eyes look into the flames and see you where you hide from me.  I must see!  With all the powers that I possess I command you to show me where you are!"

"Fire ... be my eyes!  Go where I cannot go, see what I cannot see ... show me the man I seek at this moment.  Show me the image of Andreas Petofi!  He whom I see at this moment ... turn your thoughts from the one who occupies them now!  As the foam breaks on the wave, let your thoughts break ... as the wind scatters the ashes of the day, let your thoughts scatter!  Turn them from Quentin Collins!  Turn them from Quentin Collins!"

To Break a Sorcerer's Spell

"Jamison Collins ... I command that you throw off the possession that has been placed in you by the powers of evil.  Listen only to my voice.  Do nothing but what I tell you to do.  Nothing ... even though it may cost you your life.  Listen only to my voice ... feel the vibrations of life returning to you.  Master of Darkness, I entreat thee to look with favor upon me.  Hear my plea, I beg you in this most crucial struggle.  Help me ... help me restore the identity of this child in order that Quentin Collins shall be mine ... and Yours."

To Rekindle Dormant Powers

"I am what I was, and shall always be.  I call upon the Powers of Darkness to help me once again!"

To Create a Shadow Demon

Ingredients:  scissors, a piece of black construction paper cut into the shape of a shadow and placed on the heart of the victim

"May this follow you wherever you go until it consumes you!"

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