Wednesday, June 19, 2013

New Dark Shadows Issues from Dynamite

Dark Shadows:  Year One is continuing on to six issues!  Maybe it's going to be an on-going series ... featuring Quentin and the werewolf on this latest cover suggests that maybe they'll explore his origin next ... ooh, and maybe one devoted to Angelique!  (Although, the truly terrible dialogue they write for her makes me hope for a different writer ...)

I remain in love with Guiu Vilanova's art.

ON SALE DATE: September 4
In the fight against the soulless Barnabas Collins and his vampire army, how far will Nicholas Blair go to change the horrible future glimpsed in far-off 1984? Could his decision lead the Collins clan into an even darker future? Or will his actions be too late to save a trusted ally?

ON SALE DATE: September 11
The terrifying final confrontation between Barnabas Collins and the conniving Nathan Forbes! After all the misery that has befallen the Collins clan, has guilt gotten the best of Barnabas' protector, Ben Stokes? Will loyalty to the Collins trump Stokes' own conscience... or will Barnabas face oblivion at the end of a trusted friend's stake?

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