Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Happy Second Anniversary, Shadows on the Wall!

Now beginning its third year of publication, let's celebrate the second anniversary of Shadows on the Wall with a taste of all things Dark Shadows-y!


“Welcome to the beginning and the end of the world, Miss Winters.”  (Burke Devlin, #1)

“We sure do breed them in this family, don’t we?  My mother hasn’t left the place in eighteen years, my little cousin tries to kill his own father.  These walls shouldn’t be paneled, Vicki – they should be padded!”  (Carolyn, #27)

“It may be horrid for a father to say this about his own son, but David’s an incipient psychopath.”  (Roger, #88)

“Are you denying that you are the Undead?”  (Dr. Guthrie, #184)

“I was a Collins; why didn’t you protect me? Where were you when I was turned into something that even my own father loathed? If his ghost is here with yours, tell him I’ve come home. I claim this house as mine, and whatever power you or he may have is ended!  I am free now, and alive! The chains with which he bound me are broken, and I’ve returned to live the life I never had – whatever that may turn out to be …”  (Barnabas to the portrait of Josette, #212)

“As a Collins, I’m sure our ancestors must sometimes be as real to you as the people living in the present.”  (Elizabeth, #278)

“Loathsome I am and evil. You can mock me for that – but leave my pain alone.”  (Barnabas to Dr. Woodard, #341)

“I will always be much closer to you than you think.”  (Angelique, #370)

“You’re always in such control of everything and everybody.  It’s quite interesting to see you when you aren’t.”  (Julia to Barnabas, #461)

“It isn’t a matter of what you want – it’s what I want – and need – and what I have the power to get.  You have no concept of the power that I have.  What I have to you before is mere child’s play.  But you’re going to learn just how powerful I am!”  (Cassandra, #513)

“Too many things have happened in this house, too many things you can’t explain.  It’s as if there’s some evil force hovering over this house – some force that’s trying to destroy this family.”  (Mrs. Johnson, #569)

“The past does follow us, doesn’t it, no matter how independent we think we are.”  (Vicki, #625)

“You stay and watch, and after you see what happens, you will never be the same again!”  (Chris Jennings to Joe, #654)

“You bring trouble wherever you are.”  (Magda to Barnabas, #724)

“Do you have any idea what it’s like to be a Collins?”  (Jenny, #745)

“I don’t care what it costs or who must be destroyed – Barnabas Collins must be kept safe forever!”  (Angelique, #757)

            “Let there be light, for I am tired of eternal darkness.”  (Nicholas, #953)

“Dr. Hoffman, a doctor with a very bizarre practice.”  (Jeb, #963)

“Anyone who would mold his life around the belief that a loved one can return from the grave only deserves to be pitied!”  (Alexis to Bruno, #988)

“You are a Collins, as I am a Collins.  That is why I prefer not to harm you.”  (Barnabas to Carolyn, #1017)

“More than any cemetery I’ve ever been in, this house feels like a grave.”  (Julia, #1061)

“If we don’t turn back now, I have the feeling I’ll never see Collinwood again, or any of the people I love.”  (Maggie, #1108)

“If Collinsport were more interesting, I wouldn’t be reduced to talking to inanimate objects.”  (Desmond Collins, #1123)

“You are an angel among the gargoyles.  We are the gargoyles:  the fortunate Collinses at Collinwood.”  (Quentin to Daphne, #1146)

“We’ll never forget any of them, Barnabas.”  (Julia, #1198)

“You want a happy ending, and for a Collins, there’s no such thing as a happy ending.”  (Melanie, #1227)

 “It was on a night such as this that a young, beautiful woman was pressed to her limits. She could no longer accept what the future held for her. She knew she had to destroy herself before she became something she did not want to be.  She had quarreled with her lover. She tried to send him away, but he would not be put off. He tried to put his arms around her, but she broke away from him and ran off into the stormy night. Her white dress contrasted against the darkness. He ran after her as she headed to the one place on earth that seemed to be designed for the termination of human life.  The rain drenched her, the winds buffeted her, blowing her long hair wildly. Her clothing was torn by the low branches. Her small, white feet were bruised and mud stained by the stony, cruel path to the summit of the cliff. The shouts of her lover were lost in the wind as he ran swiftly after her. Near the top, she stumbled over a large rock. Crying hysterically, she limped and crawled to the edge of the precipice. Her lover reached her, clutched at her, spinning her around to face him.  Her eyes were wide with terror as the lover held her tight, lips pressed against her throat. Soon, she grew limp and he released her. Suddenly, with a last surge of energy, she broke free and hurled herself off the cliff. Her screams reacted and echoed as she plunged downwards. Her body was impaled on the large, craggy rocks below. Her lover descended to the bottom of Widow's Hill and found her body, broken, lifeless, bloodless. As violent as her death was, the expression on her face was one of serenity, as if this were the best possible ending to her life.”  (Barnabas, #233)

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