Monday, April 22, 2013

Dark Shadows Mentioned in an Interview with Glee's Ryan Murphy

From this month's Out magazine with Ryan Murphy, the creator of American Horror Story and Glee:

"...The Church, along with his [Murphy's] Dark Shadows-loving grandma, Myrtle, provided Murphy with the heightened sense of reality and grand sense of theater he craved as a pre-pubescent  boy.

"'Myrtle was the best.  Everything I have in my life, in terms of my imagination and my ambition and my drama - the love of all that - comes from her 100 percent,' Murphy says.  'She put on a lot of makeup and jewelry and loved the color purple, so she wore it every day.'  On afternoons, Myrtle would sit her young grandson down in front of the TV to watch the paranormal soap opera Dark Shadows 'just to toughen me up,' Murphy says.  'I went as Barnabas Collins, like, three Halloweens in a row, and my dad was thrilled because it was the first time I wanted to be a boy; I usually wanted to be a witch or something like that.'"

(by Natasha Vargas-Cooper)

Well, I suppose he could've gone as Angelique ...

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