Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Naughty Naughty Night of Dark Shadows

Well, okay, maybe it wasn't that naughty.  I have a very soft spot in my heart for NODS; when I first saw it in 1991, TBS aired it with HODS to capitalize on the new release of the 1991 revival series.  I had seen most of HODS (though not the ending, and let me tell you, as a twelve year old, I was SHOCKED to see Barnabas staked, shocked, I tells ya), but all I knew of NODS was that it featured Quentin and Angelique.  Easy peasy, I thought, a werewolf and a witch.  Should be interesting.  But not really; as a twelve year old, I was far less interested in a ghost story:  I wanted werewolf maulings and evil evil hexing!

Years later, I can say that it isn't that I prefer NODS to HODS, exactly; I love them both, as one loves both of one's children.  Just slightly differently, that's all.  And so it is with great anticipation -- and a big ol' "thank you!" to Messrs. Burton and Depp -- that I await the uncut version of NODS.  Even with strange decade-old dubbing.

(Photos, once again, courtesy of Willie Loomis Saves Collinsport.  Check it out if you haven't already.)

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