Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dark Shadows 1991 Episode 6: It's Just a Jump to the Left ...

February 1, 1991:  Carolyn begins Barnabas' campaign to rid himself of one very jealous physician/blood-specialist; Elizabeth decides that holding a costume party will be the antidote to all the misery that's accumulated in recent months; Sarah tells Barnabas that someone has to do the time warp in order to prevent the loss of the Collins family (as opposed to, say, preventing the deaths of Martin Luther King, Jr. or Abraham Lincoln); Vicki swaps places with Phyllis Wicke and begins her strange and frightening journey back to the year 1790.

"Don't worry ... everything's gonna be fine ..."

"It's too bad you can't see yourself in the mirror anymore ... you look great!"

"Of course you do realize, Doctor, that scores will have to be settled ..."

"You are Josette DuPres."

"Backward, turn backward, o time in thy flight ..."

"O great mystical board, answer this next question:  which letter does the first name begin with?"

"I'm gonna buy it, Joe."

"I just couldn't let her drink it."

"As long as we're asking questions, Julia ... why did you try to hurt Barnabas?"

"Unless all that's happened can be changed, you, my brother, and the others - all those at Collinwood - will be lost forever."

"You remember I told you there were forces in this world evil beyond comprehension.  Well now you've seen Angelique for yourself.  Not even the course of time can destroy her."

"We are gathered here in an attempt to contact another world ..."

"Evil ... yes, there is evil.  Everyone at Collinwood will die unless ... someone must come.  Someone must try to change things ... to make them different ...!"

"And guess to whom the envelope is addressed -- the Honorable Joshua A. Collins."

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