Friday, March 9, 2012

From the Flames Arisen: Angelique's 1897 Invasion

Episode #711
Air Date:  3/17/69
Director:  Henry Kaplan
Writer:  Violet Welles

"This is no ordinary night at Collinwood ... for once before, in 1897, two desperate men and a child as their unwitting pawn sought the Devil's help.  Now, incredibly, time h as reeled backwards, and that horrifying night is being lived again ..."  (Kathryn Leigh Scott) 

EVAN:  You are not the one we expected ... who are you?

EVAN:  Speak to us ... we summoned you, we can send you back!

ANGELIQUE:  Yes ... you summoned me.  But send me back?  Of that I'm not so sure.


ANGELIQUE:  What a lovely night for the unquiet dead ... and the living who seek their help.  And what time is it?

 EVAN:  Midnight.

ANGELIQUE:  Midnight.  Yes, of course.  But what of many midnights?  What year is it?

EVAN:  This is 1897.

ANGELIQUE:  1897! 

ANGELIQUE:  A great many years have passed!

EVAN:  Since when?  Who are you?

ANGELIQUE:  I'm obviously the one you sent for.  And who are you?

EVAN:  I'm Evan Hanley.  I'm a lawyer.

QUENTIN:  My name is Quentin Collins.

ANGELIQUE:  Are you a lawyer too?

QUENTIN:  No.  I'm merely a man of larger expectations than life has hitherto offered me.

ANGELIQUE:  Quentin ... Collins, you say?  And this place?

QUENTIN:  It's called Collinwood.

ANGELIQUE:  Yes.  So it is.  Tell me, Quentin Collins ... what do you want from life that you cannot take for yourself?

QUENTIN:  Quite a few things ... but an enemy stands in my way.  Barnabas -

ANGELIQUE:  - Collins?  It's often those closest to us who become our bitterest enemies, isn't it.

ANGELIQUE:  From now, you and I have the same enemy.

EVAN:  Don't thank her yet ... not until we know more about who she is and where she came from.

EVAN:  I think a few questions are in order here.

ANGELIQUE:  My dear ... lawyer.  I don't think so.  

ANGELIQUE:  There's nothing you need to know.  Except I have some mysterious powers ...

ANGELIQUE:  .... which I'll be glad to demonstrate for you.  I also have a very convenient control over people ...

QUENTIN:  What have you done to him?

ANGELIQUE:  What is it you were saying ... lawyer?  

ANGELIQUE:  Nothing more than what I do to my friends when they annoy me.  With my enemies I can be even more ruthless.

ANGELIQUE:  Do you believe me, Quentin?

ANGELIQUE:  After all, we're all on the same side, aren't we?  

ANGELIQUE:  My side.

QUENTIN:  You're very beautiful, whoever you are.

ANGELIQUE:  My name is Angelique ... and I think we've reached an understanding.

ANGELIQUE:  Be quiet, Mr. Hanley.  Or you'll really be quiet for a very long time.

QUENTIN:  Believe me, we are grateful for your help.  We don't want to argue with you or upset you.  But perhaps some other place!  You see, I'm only trying to avoid trouble.

ANGELIQUE:  It's too late for that, Quentin.  If you wanted to avoid trouble ...

ANGELIQUE:  ... you should never have sent for me.

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