Saturday, December 17, 2011

Episode 553: Vicki's Nightmare

AIR DATE:  8/12/68
WRITER:  Ron Sproat
DIRECTOR:  Sean Dhu Sullivan 

Nicholas Blair holds Victoria Winters captive at the House by the Sea.  In order to force Barnabas and Julia to create a mate for the man-made creature Adam, the warlock commands Angelique -- now a vampire under his control -- to visit Vicki dressed as she did in 1795 to terrify Vicki into submission.

 VICKI:  Angelique!

ANGELIQUE:  So we meet again.

VICKI:  You're not real.

ANGELIQUE:  I'm not?

VICKI:  You can't be!

ANGELIQUE:  I assure you, I'm quite real.

VICKI:  It's not possible!  You're dead!  You must be a ghost!

ANGELIQUE (laughing):  Is that really what you think I am?

VICKI:  Why are you laughing?

ANGELIQUE advances, holding out her arm.

ANGELIQUE:  Touch me.  Don't be afraid.  You'll see that I"m made of flesh and blood.

VICKI:  I don't want to come near you!

ANGELIQUE:  Then I'll come to you.  (She touches Vicki, who shudders.)  You see?  Are ghosts made of flesh and blood?

VICKI:  You're real!

ANGELIQUE:  Of course.

VICKI:  But you died in 1795 ...


VICKI:  Is it possible?


VICKI:  I've gone back in time again?  That I'm living in 1795?

ANGELIQUE:  It's possible.

VICKI:  But is it true?

ANGELIQUE:  Perhaps.

VICKI:  Why am I here?  You must tell me.

ANGELIQUE:  I'm not allowed to tell you that.

VICKI:  But who's keeping me here?  At least you can tell me that!

ANGELIQUE:  I'm not allowed to tell you that either.

VICKI:  This must be a dream.  But why can't I wake up?

ANGELIQUE:  Because it isn't a dream.  You really exist in this place.

VICKI:  But you -- this room -- it's all so unreal!

ANGELIQUE:  Perhaps there's a reason for that.

VICKI:  What do you mean?

ANGELIQUE:  Perhaps you're lost in a void.

VICKI:  A - a void?

ANGELIQUE:  A pocket in time, caught somewhere between the past and the present but belonging to neither.

VICKI:  I don't believe you.

ANGELIQUE:  Believe what you want to believe.

VICKI:  Why are you here?

ANGELIQUE:  I've come to help you escape.

VICKI:  But why would you want to help me?  You've never been anything but vicious and cruel to me.

ANGELIQUE:  If you don't want my help, there's nothing I can do.

VICKI:  I'll take anyone's help as long as it allows me to escape from here.

ANGELIQUE:  You're willing to cooperate?

VICKI:  How?

ANGELIQUE:  You must give me something in order for me to help you.

VICKI (wary):  What?

ANGELIQUE:  Your engagement ring.

VICKI:  My engagement ring?

ANGELIQUE:  You must give it to me or I can't help you.

VICKI:  Why do you want it?

ANGELIQUE:  I'll take it to the man you love, and through it, he will find you.

VICKI:  I won't give it to you.

ANGELIQUE:  then I won't be able to help you.  I'm the only one who can.

ANGELIQUE turns to leave.

VICKI:  Where are you going?

ANGELIQUE:  Would I want to take your ring if I weren't trying to help you?  I don't exist in time.  Worldly possessions mean nothing to me.

VICKI:  You want it because it's my last link to reality.  But I won't give it to you!

ANGELIQUE:  So be it.

VICKI:  Where are you going?

ANGELIQUE:  I'm leaving, and I shall never return.  Neither will anyone else.  You face eternity in this room because you won't accept my help.  Goodbye, Victoria Winters.  I pity you.

VICKI:  No!  Wait!


VICKI:  I still don't trust you, but if there's one chance in a million that you're telling the truth --

ANGELIQUE:  Give me the ring.

VICKI slips off the ring and hands it to her.

VICKI:  Here.

ANGELIQUE:  I'll take it to the man you love and he will find you.

VICKI:  Please be telling the truth.  Please find Jeff and give it to him.  At least he'll know I'm alive.

ANGELIQUE:  Jeff?  Who's Jeff?

VICKI:  Jeff Clark, my fiancee.

ANGELIQUE:  There's no Jeff Clark.  Jeff Clark does not exist.  There is only Peter Bradford.

Angelique vanishes out the door, leaving Vicki to call after.  Her only answer is Angelique's evil cackle.

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