Monday, November 14, 2011

The Aging(s) of Barnabas Collins

As observed in the original series, the House of Dark Shadows major motion picture, and the 1991 revival series.  There's something very powerful and creepy about this sequence -- which is probably why it's been recreated in all the different versions of the series.  Will Johnny Depp's Barnabas age in the Tim Burton remake?  Guess we'll have to find out ...

"Why did you run from me?"

"Oh no ... OH NOOOOO!!!"

CAROLYN:  I came to see Cousin Barnabas.
BARNABAS:  And now you see him.

BARNABAS:  You mustn't be afraid of me, my dear.  I'm not going to hurt you.

BARNABAS:  I would never do anything to hurt my own flesh and blood ...

BARNABAS:  I will come for you, Josette.  I will come for you soon.

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