Sunday, October 16, 2011

From Dark Shadows: A Critical and Theoretical Analysis by Harry M. Benshoff

I was completely tickled this weekend to buzz through a monograph on critical analysis of Dark Shadows by Harry M. Benshoff.  I used Benshoff's book on queer/horror movie/monster theory Monsters in the Closet while writing my dissertation, and so I was understandably excited to find this book on Amazon.  It's trippy (in the way that theory is always kinda trippy) but Benshoff hits the nail on the head with regards to DS, but especially in the connections he makes between queer theory and why DS is so popular with gay men and women.  Here was the part that made me squeal:

"And although some fans were reluctant to discuss those [queer] aspects of the show's appeal in the 1990s -- as evidenced by some internecine squabbles among different factions -- they  have become fairly commonplace topics in recent years, with even the show's stars willing to acknowledge the queerness at Collinwood.  At one recent convention, John Karlen discussed the sadomasochistic angle to Willie's relationship with Barnabas, and David Selby said that he always felt "Quentin secretly wanted to be bitten by Barnabas"" (111).

bum Bum BUM!

Look for it here:

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