Saturday, September 3, 2011

Episode Guide 1967: Guilt and the Vampire

331.  10/2/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            No one believes David about the bat attack.  He insists that Barnabas sent the bat to kill him.  Sarah gives him an old toy soldier for protection.

332.  10/3/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            When Julia prepares to give Barnabas another injection, he questions her loyalty and begins to strangle her.  Clutching the toy soldier for protection, David invades the Old House basement and sees Barnabas’ coffin.

 333.  10/4/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Julia saves David from Barnabas’ wrath.  Woodard begins to believe in David’s fantasies.  When Woodard and Burke investigate Barnabas’ basement, they find only old boxes.

334.  10/5/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Sarah’s fluting angrily plays when David tells Dr. Woodard about the secret room.  Roger begins to believe that David is mentally unbalanced.  After David fails to cause the secret door open, Burke thinks he is imagining it all but Woodard believes he is telling the truth.

 335.  10/6/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Liz sends for a psychiatrist to see David.  Dr. Woodard begins to suspect the truth behind Barnabas’ secret.  He visits the mausoleum and is confronted by the ghost of Sarah.

336.  10/9/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Sarah opens the secret room for Woodard where they find the coffin.  He makes it very clear to Julia that nothing will stop him from finding out the reasons Sarah has returned from the dead.

337.  10/10/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            The caretaker and Woodard find out that Joshua wrote about a curse in the family journals, and how Barnabas changed after he suffered the same fever that killed Sarah.  Woodard doesn’t believe Barnabas ever left for England.  Later, Woodard confronts Barnabas with knowledge that Sarah is his sister.

338.  10/11/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Burke announces that he is going to South America and that he wants Vicki to set a wedding date.  Barnabas begins to flatter Julia to find out what she knows about Woodard.  

339.  10/12/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Julia remarks on Barnabas’ growing ability to show emotion, including fear.  They later discover that Woodard has stolen Julia’s medical journal that details the experiment with Barnabas.

340.  10/13/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Barnabas orders Julia to help him kill Woodard, but she wants to try to keep him quiet for the sake of the experiment.  Julia tries to warn Woodard of the danger, but a bat appears at the window and transforms into Barnabas.

341.  10/16/67.  Writer:  Joe Caldwell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Barnabas considers turning Woodard into “one of the undead,” but decides it will be safer to kill him.  Woodard tries to distract Barnabas by claiming to see Sarah, but Barnabas catches him and stabs him with a hypodermic.  Later, Julia hears Woodard’s voice whispering to her that she no longer has friends.

342.  10/17/11.  Writer:  Joe Caldwell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Everyone is shocked at Woodard’s death, and even Julia doesn’t have to fake her grief when she is told the news.  The coroner reports that Woodard died of a heart attack, but Sam isn’t so sure.

343.  10/18/67.  Writer:  Joe Caldwell.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Julia wants to abandon the experiment.  After Vicki has a fight with Burke, Barnabas offers to help her restore the West Wing.  Julia does indeed continue the experiment, but suggests that one day Barnabas may want someone who can love him as he is.

344.  10/19/67.  Writer:  Joe Caldwell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            David tells Carolyn that an accident will happen that will make everyone sad.  As Vicki and Burke talk on the terrace, she grows terrified when she begins to hear the wailing of the Widows.

345.  10/20/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Mrs. Johnson reports that Burke’s plane has gone down in South America, but Vicki refuses to believe that he is dead.  Barnabas saves her from jumping off Widow’s Hill, assuring that she will be a bride someday soon.

346.  10/23/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Vicki dreams that she is in Josette’s wedding dress and that Burke’s body lies under a sheet in the Old House.  Julia suspects that the presence she feels might be the ghost of Dr. Woodard.  Barnabas warns her not to allow her jealousy to interfere with the experiment.

347.  10/24/67.  Writer:  Joe Caldwell.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Barnabas orders Julia to accelerate the treatments so he can spend his first sunrise with Vicki.  Julia hypnotizes Vicki with a crystal then leads her to the Old House basement, where she shows Vicki Barnabas in her coffin.  She orders her never to forget and never to remember.  Later, she is perturbed by Barnabas’ presence, and he discovers that his hand has begun to age.

348.  10/25/67.  Writer:  Joe Caldwell.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            David has a premonition that Carolyn will die and gives her the toy soldier to protect her.  Her suspicions that he has been telling the truth have been ignited.  After another bout of treatments, Barnabas’ hair has turned completely white.

349.  10/26/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.   
            Barnabas has aged into a two hundred year old man.  Julia urges him to take Vicki as a victim to reverse the aging.  

350.  10/27/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Julia offers herself willingly to Barnabas, but he rejects her, claiming he may need her skills as a doctor.  In order to verify David’s claims, Carolyn breaks into the Old House basement.  She discovers the coffin … and the ancient Barnabas, who pulls her close and bares his fangs.

351.  10/30/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Barnabas has regained his youthful form after taking Carolyn’s blood.  Carolyn has become Barnabas’ slave, and agrees to help him.  He tells Julia that the treatments are over, and that he will concentrate on making Vicki his bride.

352.  10/31/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Carolyn attempts to convince David that there is nothing bad or scary at the Old House.  Once again, Julia hypnotizes Vicki and shows her Barnabas in his coffin, telling her that he is one of the “undead.”  Carolyn becomes suspicious.

353.  11/1/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Carolyn begins to discredit David.  Vicki’s discomfort around Barnabas grows.  Carolyn suggests that Julia is responsible.  Barnabas decides if that is the truth, then she has signed her own death warrant.

354.  11/2/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Roger and Liz remark on Carolyn’s odd behavior.  As Julia instructs a hypnotized Vicki to resist becoming Barnabas’ bride, Carolyn is eavesdropping.  Barnabas decides that her fate will be worse than death.

355.  11/3/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Barnabas orders Carolyn to procure Julia’s notebook.  Julia tells Barnabas that the notebook is safely hidden and threatens him with his own destruction if anything happens to her.

356.  11/6/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Julia hides her notebook in the great clock at Collinwood.  As she and Carolyn threaten each other, Carolyn notices that the clock is not striking.

357.  11/7/67.  Writer:  Sam Hall.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Lawyer Anthony Peterson interrupts Carolyn and Julia before Carolyn can discover the notebook.  Julia gives Tony the notebook for safe keeping.  Carolyn attempts to charm her way into getting the notebook from him, but he grabs her and demands to know her game.

358.  11/8/67.  Writer:  Sam Hall.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Barnabas decides to drive Julia mad.  He uses witchcraft to conjure a spirit of Dr. Woodard to haunt Julia with his murder.

359.  11/9/67.  Writer:  Sam Hall.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Julia is on edge.  Carolyn and Tony have gone on a date, but she is there on Barnabas’ orders.  Barnabas tries to trick Julia by apologizing for torturing her.

360.  11/10/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Julia visist the Collins mausoleum to beg help from Sarah.  The little ghost is angry that Julia helped to kill Dr. Woodard.  When Julia begs her for protection, Sarah disappears.

361.  11/13/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Julia becomes trapped in the mausoleum as blood begins to run from Sarah’s tomb.  She escapes and makes her way back to Collinwood, where she continues to be tormented by the ghost of Dr. Woodard.

362.  11/14/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Julia accuses Barnabas of trying to drive her out of her mind.  Tony catches Carolyn breaking into his office.

363.  11/15/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Tony threatens to turn Carolyn over to the police.  Julia confronts Barnabas with the knowledge that she has seen Sarah, taunting him that she will talk to anyone but him.  He begins to strangle her, but stops when Sarah herself appears before him.

364.  11/16/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Barnabas is reduced to tears by Sarah’s appearance.  She tells him that he forgotten what it means to be good and that she will never appear to him again until he learns his lesson.  David tells Liz that the dead are planning to destroy someone at Collinwood.  Julia tells the family that everything David has said is true.

365.  11/17/67.  Writer:  Sam Hall.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Julia suggests a séance to reach Sarah to discover what is wrong with David.  During the séance Barnabas urges Carolyn to pretend to be Sarah, but then the real ghost speaks through Vicki.  She becomes confused and begins to cry out.  The lights vanish, and when they return Vicki has disappeared.  In her place is a woman in 18th century clothing claiming to be Phyllis Wick, the new governess for Sarah Collins.  Meanwhile, Vicki finds herself standing in a clearing before the Old House … which now looks new.

"... Victoria Winters has begun a strange and terrifying journey into the past."

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