Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Episode Guide 1967: The Evil of Barnabas Collins

301.  8/21/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Willie talks Barnabas out of killing Burke.  While sharing a drink, Barnabas compares his relationship with Burke to a duel.

302.  8/22/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Barnabas shows Julia the strong resemblance between Burke and his old rival, Jeremiah Collins.  Julia suggests that Barnabas’ burgeoning humanity has summoned Sarah back from the grave.  After Vicki announces that she will indeed marry Burke, Barnabas decides to prevent the marriage after he is cured.

303.  8/23/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Burke discovers that Barnabas invented his contacts in England.  He becomes even more suspicious of Barnabas after he connects the music box he gave Vicki with the tune that Maggie has begun to remember.

304.  8/24/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Burke tries to find Barnabas at the Old House during the day, and doesn’t believe Willie’s excuses, to Julia’s concern.  He asks Vicki to stay away from the Old House.

305.  8/25/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            David questions Sarah about her mysterious appearances and disappearances.  Claiming that she doesn’t want to jeopardize the experiment, Julia asks Barnabas to let her take care of Burke.  Sarah leads David to the mausoleum and into the secret room, where he opens the coffin.
306.  8/28/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            The coffin is empty.  Barnabas tells Vicki that Burke has been collecting information on him, and she promises to help stop Burke.  Barnabas hears Sarah’s flute, but her refusal to appear for him brings him to tears.

307.  8/29/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Maggie refuses to stay cooped up in the house, despite the danger.  When Burke tries to convince Vicki that Barnabas may have something to do with Maggie’s kidnapping, she threatens to end their engagement.

308.  8/30/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Joe and Sam are shocked to find Julia at the Old House, and Sam accuses her of lying about helping Maggie.  Maggie reveals that Sarah has left her doll in Maggie’s room.
309.  8/31/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Barnabas is haunted by fears about Sarah’s return, though later he is convinced that she will eventually appear to him.

310.  9/1/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            After Willie sees Sarah, Barnabas demands that they search for her at Eagle Hill.  David is there talking to Sarah, and hides in the secret room when they approach.

311.  9/4/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            David, eavesdropping from the secret room, hears Barnabas tell Willie how much he loved Sarah.  After they exit, he finds that he is trapped inside the room.  Carolyn has a premonition about danger.  As Barnabas tries to comfort Vicki, he is suddenly overwhelmed by the urge to bare his fangs.

312.  9/5/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Joe and Carolyn’s sudden appearance saves Vicki.  Barnabas has a near run-in with the Sheriff and Joe, who want to search his basement.

313.  9/6/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            David cries out to the caretaker, but the old man thinks David is a ghost.  Though Roger and Joe search the mausoleum, David has drifted into sleep and remains trapped.

314.  9/7/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Joe is starting to believe that something supernatural is responsible for the recent troubles.  Sarah encounters Willie and tells him that she is looking for Barnabas.  Dr. Woodard announces that Sarah’s doll is over a hundred and fifty years old.

315.  9/8/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Barnabas implies to Julia that he will kill David if he finds the boy has learned his secret.  Sarah tells David how to get out of the secret room, and as he bursts from the mausoleum, Barnabas catches him.

316.  9/11/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            David claims that he was lost in the woods.  Later, he feels someone watching him:  Barnabas at the Old House.

317.  9/12/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Barnabas tells Julia he has a way to tell if David must be silenced or not.  He finds David’s knife inside the secret room.  Dr. Woodard realizes that Sarah must be a ghost.

318.  9/13/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Barnabas feels rejected by Sarah.  As he prepares to kill David, a ghostly wind rushes through the Old House, causing Barnabas to beg for Sarah to appear.

319.  9/14/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Maggie proposes that they spread a rumor that her memory is returning to smoke out the killer. 

320.  9/15/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            David has a nightmare wherein Barnabas bares his fangs.  Goaded by the story he hears from Willie, Barnabas decides to kill Maggie.

321.  9/18/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Sarah appears in Maggie’s bedroom and quickly disappears, but Maggie thinks Sarah has given her a warning.  Barnabas prepares to carry out his threat.

322.  9/19/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Julia seeks to prevent Barnabas from going out.  Willie agonizes over his helplessness.  A figure approaches Maggie’s French windows and is shot with five bullets.

323.  9/20/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Willie was shot in Barnabas’ place, but is still clinging to life in a coma from which he may never recover.  Barnabas decides that there is only one more threat to his existence:  David.

324.  9/21/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Liz urges Vicki to figure out what is troubling David.  The boy feels that Barnabas’ eyes are blazing at him from the portrait.

325.  9/22/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Liz asks Vicki to postpone leaving Collinwood until they can help David.  Barnabas grills David about what Sarah may have told him about her family.  David dreams that Barnabas rises from a coffin and menaces him with a cane.

326.  9/25/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            David believes that Barnabas is dead.  Julia’s attempt to hypnotize David fails, and he runs in terror to Vicki.

327.  9/26/67.  Writer:  Gordon Russell.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            David sees Sarah in his crystal ball.  She warns him that Willie was only trying to protect Maggie.  She tells him to stay away from the Old House as she fades away.

328.  9/27/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Barnabas plants Maggie’s ring in a candlestick in Willie’s room, which Sam later finds.  The Sheriff reveals that Willie is coming out of his coma.

329.  9/28/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Barnabas and Julia visit Willie in the hospital, but Willie has forgotten who they are.

330.  9/29/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Julia continues to give Barnabas injections.  A large bat attacks David in his bedroom. 

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