Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Episode Guide 1967: The Bride of Barnabas Collins

231.  5/15/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Joe gives his blood during a transfusion for Maggie.  Woodard realizes that Maggie’s condition is beyond normal.  Sam has to restrain her when she tries to leave.

232.  5/16/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Willie tries to hide the evidence of the beating he received from Barnabas.  Vicki is terrified when a caped figure appears outside Maggie’s bedroom. 

233.  5/17/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            When Carolyn and Vicki visit Barnabas at the Old House during a storm, he describes the night when Josette threw herself off Widow’s Hill, pursued by her lover. 

234.  5/18/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Barnabas has beaten Willie again.  Vicki agrees to watch over Mggie.  After Vicki is locked out of Maggie’s room, near hysteria, she calls Burke. When they break into Maggie’s room they find her lying unconscious on her bed, her throat bloody and wounded.

235.  5/19/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Dr. Woodard examines Maggie.  Though the nurse reports that Maggie was seemingly dead, her body has disappeared, and the dogs are howling outside. 

236.  5/22/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Barnabas convinces Joe and Sam that Willie had nothing to do with Maggie’s disappearance.  After they are gone, he gives Maggie Josette’s music box and tells her that she will be his bride.
 237.  5/23/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Sheriff Patterson questions Willie about Maggie’s disappearance.  After punching Willie, Jason is terrified by the sound of the dogs howling in the woods.

238.  5/24/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Carolyn and Vicki visit the Old House to see the renovations.  They see that Josette’s room is prepared and that her portrait is hanging up.  Later, Barnabas prepares to have dinner with Maggie, whom he has transformed into Josette.

239.  5/25/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Sam and Joe come to the Old House, and upon hearing them, Maggie begins to remember who she is.  Barnabas advances on her angrily, and Maggie begins to scream.

240.  5/26/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            David sees Maggie through a window at the Old House and thinks she is Josette.  Vicki and Roger argue over David’s misbehavior, then decide to follow David to the Old House.

241.  5/29/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            David thinks Maggie is Josette when he talks to her at the Old House.  The sheriff tells Vicki they’ve given up searching for Maggie since Barnabas can account for Willie’s whereabouts. 

242.  5/30/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Woodard wants his friend Dr. Hoffman to examine Maggie’s strange blood sample.  Roger wonders if Liz is being blackmailed, but she denies that there is anything in the basement room.  Someone with terrifying and supernatural strength breaks into Woodard’s office and steals Maggie’s blood sample.

243.  5/31/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Woodard wants a sample of Willie’s blood to compare to Maggie’s.  Jason demands that Liz marry him.

244.  6/1/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Jason’s blackmail includes Carolyn, who, he says, will hate Liz when she discovers her role in Paul Stoddard’s murder.  He gives her only a little time to make up her mind.

245.  6/2/67.  Writer:  Joe Caldwell.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Burke is afraid for Vicki.  Barnabas tells Woodard he loathes the man who is responsible for the recent trouble. 

246.  6/5/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Liz summons lawyer Frank Garner to begin divorce proceedings from Paul Stoddard.  Roger believes that she wants to marry Jason.  Carolyn orders Jason out of the house.

247.  6/6/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Maggie begins to question her identity as Josette.  Sam leaves his pipe at the Old House and Maggie finds it, then leaves the Old House.  Sam sees her outside the window at the cottage.

248.  6/7/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            To punish her, Barnabas locks Maggie in a coffin in the secret room.  Willie rescues her and returns her to the Old House.  Sobbing, she begins to remember her true identity.
 249.  6/8/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Carolyn determines to enter the basement room.  Liz announces that she and Jason will be married to Carolyn’s horror.

250.  6/9/67.  Writer:  Joe Caldwell.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Maggie remembers her own name.  She overhears Barnabas telling Willie that, after tonight, she will be Josette forever.  She tries to stake Barnabas in his coffin, but he wakes up and bares his fangs.

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