Sunday, July 17, 2011

Episode Guide: 1967 and the Resurrection of Barnabas Collins

210. 4/17/67. Writer: Malcolm Marmorstein. Director: Lela Swift.
While Jason McGuire assures Vicki that Willie is leaving Collinwood, Willie breaks into the secret room of the Collins Mausoleum at Eagle Hill Cemetery hoping to discover the Collins family jewels. He discovers a chained coffin and breaks it open. A hand wearing an onyx ring flies from the coffin and seizes Willie by the throat.

211. 4/18/67. Writer: Ron Sproat. Director: John Sedwick.
The caretaker at Eagle Hill insists to Jason that something evil happened in the mausoleum. Mrs. Johnson answers the front door of Collinwood and allows Barnabas Collins into the house.

212.  4/19/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Elizabeth meets Barnabas and remarks on his resemblance to the portrait of his supposed ancestor.  When Barnabas meets David at the Old House, David tells him about the ghosts that haunt Collinwood.  Later, alone in the Old House, Barnabas berates the portrait of Josette for not protecting him, and commands her ghost and his father’s to leave him in peace.

213.  4/20/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Burke apologizes to Carolyn.  She attempts to find out from Jason what happened to her mother eighteen years ago, and he warns her that things could go badly for her mother.

 214.  4/21/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Vicki meets Barnabas while searching for David at the Old House and he describes a time when a father and a son quarreled on the stairs, and how the quarrel led to the death of the son.  Roger returns and meets Barnabas.  Everyone comments on Barnabas’ resemblance to the portrait of his “ancestor.”

215.  4/24/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  John Sedwick. 
            Joe describes how his uncle’s cows have been found dead, two holes in their throats, with their blood drained.  A weakened Willie returns.  When questioned by Jason, he discovers blood on Willie’s sleeve.

216.  4/25/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Willie collapses at the sight of Barnabas’ portrait. 

217.  4/26/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Carolyn and Vicki dislike having Willie in the house, even if he is seemingly ill.  Willie tries to resist the heartbeat he hears summoning him but is compelled to visit the mausoleum.

218.  4/27/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Barnabas wants to move into the Old House.  The others speculate on where he’s staying; Barnabas appears at the mausoleum.

219.  4/28/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Sheriff Patterson informs Roger of the Collins cattle being drained of blood.  They realize that a man is responsible and not an animal.  Dr. Woodard examines Willie and discovers that he is suffering from a loss of blood.
 220.  5/1/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Liz allows Barnabas to live in the Old House.  Barnabas describes to Vicki his plans to restore the Old House to its former condition.  Barnabas and Willie enter the Old House, and Barnabas tells Willie he must obey him.

221.  5/2/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Barnabas appears in the coffee shop as Maggie prepares to close.  He intentionally leaves his wolf’s head cane so that Maggie and Joe return it to him at the Old House.  Later, Maggie feels as if someone is watching her.

222.  5/3/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Writer:  John Sedwick.
            Maggie is worried about girls being attacked in the village.  Barnabas commissions Sam Evans to paint his portrait.  Sam paints until dawn, when Barnabas orders him to stop.

223.  5/4/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            David is unhappy that Barnabas will change the Old House, especially that he has removed the portrait of Josette.  David breaks into the Old House, but is trapped inside as howling dogs come closer and closer.

224.  5/5/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  John Sedwick.
            Barnabas saves David from the dogs and tells him that his portrait will hang in the place of Josette’s.  Maggie dreams that she sees herself, dead in a coffin.  Her face becomes a screaming skull.
 225/226.  5/8/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            As Maggie sleeps, Barnabas appears in her room.  He bares his fangs as he looms over her bed.

227.  5/9/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Maggie feels strange and listless; later, as Sam and Joe try to help her, she faints.  After sunset, as Sam paints at the Old House, Maggie removes her neck scarf and lies waiting on her bed.

228.  5/10/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Liz appoints Jason as director of Public Relations in the family business to Roger’s horror.  Liz forbids any mention of the locked room in the basement.

229.  5/11/67.  Writer:  Malcolm Marmorstein.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            Dr. Woodard reports that Maggie has lost a great deal of blood.  When Sam bursts into Maggie’s room, she is gone, and the French doors stand open.

230.  5/12/67.  Writer:  Ron Sproat.  Director:  Lela Swift.
            As Maggie moves around Eagle Hill in a trance, Willie disguises his voice and tells Vicki over the phone about her location.  Willie warns Barnabas that Burke and Vicki are nearby.  Later, Barnabas beats Willie for his betrayal.  Puncture wounds are discovered on Maggie’s throat.

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