Monday, June 27, 2011

From Paperback Library's Dark Shadows by Marilyn Ross

"The ominous clouds of the October afternoon had warned of bad weather on the way and now the threat was being fulfilled.  Victoria Winters sat huddled in a corner of the shabby back seat of the taxi that she'd hired in the village to take her to Collins House, aware of the driving rain and high wind that had come with the darkness of early evening.  She sat quietly in the shadows, staring at the swaying headlight beams as they cut into the stormy blackness of the uneven road ahead, revealing little but its rutted stony surface and the hostile wet branches of the trees that crowded greedily on either side.  Suddenly she was filled with forebodings and began to wonder whether she hadn't made a mistake."

  - from Dark Shadows by Marilyn Ross (1966)

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