Saturday, June 18, 2011

Collins Family Trees

Here are the Collins family trees from 1795, 1968, and 1897 as published in a teeny bopper magazine in 1968/1969 (not sure which one). I vividly remember seeing these in my friend Patty's mother's vintage DS scrapbooks when I was eight or nine years old; I was fascinated with vampires and werewolves, and, silly as they read now, I thought these little character capsules were the coolest things EVER. I've never seen them anywhere else online, so I thought they'd be a neat way to launch this forum's maiden post.


  1. These are fascinating, and on a certain level, very whacky. That's an awful file photo of Joan Bennett. I guess whoever worked on the mag (almost certainly 16, I would think) just thought of her as "some old lady." I wonder what the person who wrote that Barnabas killed Tom Jennings by "making him stay up till dawn" was thinking? It was of course no longer true in 1968/69 that Liz had not left the estate in 18 years. Interesting that Laura gets a place, given that, unlike Cassandra, she was NEVER mentioned again in any of the present-day scripts.
    Thanks for sharing these! I don't remember them at all, but of course I must have read them way back when.

  2. FLIP magazine: Aug., Sept., Oct. 1969
