Sunday, June 19, 2011

Clips from My Favorite Episode (#955)

Sky: You're not one of us ... and you never can be.

ANGELIQUE: Nicholas Blair sent you here to kill me!

ANGELIQUE: Nicholas didn't tell you very much about me, did he.

ANGELIQUE: Put the poker in the fire, Sky, or I'll make it worse!

Biting Maggie.

QUENTIN: Excuse me!

Warning Barnabas.

ANGELIQUE: Don't just stand there, Quentin. Kiss me!

QUENTIN: We're not going to resume our friendship on a sour note, are we?

ANGELIQUE: Barnabas has told you all about the Leviathans, hasn't he?

ANGELIQUE: It feels good to be back in this house. I lived here ... loved ... for a time I was very happy. This is where it all started, Quentin.

Reunited with Barnabas.

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