Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cassandra Collins

Ah, Cassandra Collins, my favorite of all the DS characters. I remember seeing this photo in the mythic, long-lost DS scrapbook that belonged to my friend Patty's mom when I was a kid. There was something entrancing about Angelique-as-Cassandra that I couldn't quite put my finger on. I also enjoyed Samantha-as-Serena on Bewitched and Jeannie-as-Evil-Jeannie on I Dream of Jeannie, and I would have killed for my own twin. So I could be the evil twin. Of course.

The Cassandra era remains one of my favorites on DS. Until the arrival of Nicholas Blair, Cassandra gets to run amok and be unremittingly evil, though occasionally caught up in her own schemes, of course. Oh, the miniskirts, the wig-styles, the purple and green butterfly peignoir! Quotes like, "My power was given to me by the devil himself, and you will know it soon!" or "Do you know what your problem is [insert unfortunate victim's name here]?" followed by some fun variety of cursing.

And even better, two years later during the Leviathan story, when Angelique Rumson is worried about taking in Elizabeth and Carolyn because surely they'll recognize her as ex-sister-in-law and former step-aunt, respectively. They won't, Barnabas assures her, because "you had dark hair." How Clark Kent of him. Only on Dark Shadows.


  1. Ah, even after all these years, Cassandra still makes me smile! She was so unremittingly eee-vil, and it was such fun watching her twist Roger around her little finger, terrorize poor Barnabas ("Cuh-SSSAN-dra!!!"), spar with Dr. Hoffman, and just generally wreak Witchly havoc, all while sashaying around the Great House in the most chic wardrobe-and-wig ensembles of anyone! Of course she ultimately met her match in Prof. Stokes, and then dear Brother Nicholas came on the scene... but the fun, while it lasted, was the finest!

    I do love it when, in the midst of the chaos of the 1840 storyline, Julia narrows her eyes and informs Angelique, "I first met you in the Spring of 1968... you called yourself Cassandra ..."

    btw, there's this shot of Eva Green with big, bad black hair from the new Camelot series that suggest to me, at least, that she'd make a kick-ass Cassandra. We shall see! Our Favorite Witch may yet walk the night once more... *cackles*

  2. I'm so looking forward to her final episode, where she appears from the shadows to torture Mrs. Stoddard one more time.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I remember this photo of Lara Parker as Cassandra Collins from a late 1968 issue of 16 Magazine. I always wished that Cassandra would return to present-day Collinwood, but that wasn't to be. Thanks for the memories!!

  5. Why does Angelique look different than Cassandra Collins

  6. Because Lara Parker is wearing a black wig. :)

  7. I guess I’m the only one who dislikes Angelique/Cassandra Collins she gives me the creeps
