Wednesday, August 23, 2023

MPI and Suncoast Video DARK SHADOWS Catalogue!

 Ah, the MPI tapes; ah the MPI Dark Shadows catalogues! When I was but wee, they were one of my links to the entirety of the series (a coherent understanding of the story I was putting together via the 1991 series, The Dark Shadows Companion, the MPI compilation tapes, and the bits and pieces I was able to record from the SciFi Channel) - also, they were gorgeous, full of gorgeous photos and storyline summaries. 

I had no idea that MPI and Suncoast (ohmygod; remember Suncoast video?!?) put out a joint effort that includes the entirety of the storyline (following the first year, of course). I won it on eBay the other day - check it out!

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