Sunday, May 22, 2022

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 9: Episode Seventeen

Previously on Dark Shadows: The Comic Strip Series: Quentin and Angelique are trapped in what appears to be a parallel version of the 1850 they thought they recognized from the history books: the family, headed by impetuous Tad Collins, is in thrall to a mysterious room in the East Wing. After the ghost of Collinsport founder Isaac Collins appears to warn the family that they must hold a lottery to determine who will spend the night in the cursed room, Bramwell Collins' beloved Jessica is chosen. But Jessica, who resembles Angelique, is a blossoming witch, which is exactly what Isaac wants: someone with the power to release all the spirits of the dead he has trapped in that room and wedded to a demonic essence so that they might sweep through the world. But Isaac hasn't counted on the actual Angelique to appear...

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