Monday, January 31, 2022

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 9: Episode One

Now that season 9 of our ongoing Dark Shadows based comic strip has concluded (returning summer 2022!), I'll do what I did last year (and the year before) (and the year before that) (etc.) and present them weekly in a digest format, where you can enjoy seven daily strips as one entire "episode." (I believe they used to call these "reruns.")

TIP:  For the color "Sunday" strips, right click so you can open them in a separate tab ... then you can enlarge them so you can actually read the word balloons.


Previously, on Dark Shadows (or, the finale of Season 8) ... Warlock Sebastian Shaw, recruited by Elizabeth Collins Stoddard to rid the great house of its evil, conducted an exorcism that ripped apart the fabric of time, and sent Barnabas back to the 18th century, Angelique to hell, and Quentin into a parallel version of 1810. Meanwhile, in 1969, the family, with no memory of Barnabas, Quentin, or Angelique, is tormented by the Phoenix Laura Collins, and have summoned Dr. Julia Hoffman to battle her. Meanwhile, the ghost of Barnabas has made his presence known to Victoria Winters, and so the family conducts a seance to summon his spirit ...

And now ... the first episode of Season 9 of Dark Shadows: The Comic Strip Series!  Enjoy!

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 9 FINALE: Quentin's Decision!

 What will Angelique's answer be? Can she love two men, or will her own, vengeful persona return? Can she ever make Barnabas love her?  And what of Hecate, the witch-goddess, and her evil antique store?

Starting tomorrow, every Sunday we'll be posting weekly digest collections of all the season 9 "episodes" so you can catch up, with Season 10 and new episodes of the Dark Shadows Comic Strip Series returning summer 2022!

Thursday, January 27, 2022

1968: Cassandra and the Portrait

 "You may walk in the sunlight today ... but you have not escaped. No, Barnabas ... in time ... in time ... you will find the curse BACK WITH YOU AGAIN!"

Li'l Joel and the President

Joel Crothers and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Shout out on Terror at Collinwood!

 Thanks to my friend Steve for notifying me that this very blog received a lovely shout out on Penny Dreadful's podcast Terror at Collinwood -- thanks, babe!  Hey, if you ever need guests, call a witch up!  

 Here's a link!

 Terror at Collinwood, Episode 21!

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Friday, January 21, 2022

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Monday, January 17, 2022

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Friday, January 14, 2022

Thursday, January 13, 2022