Thursday, August 30, 2018

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Celebrating 48 Years of HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS

I can never remember if House of Dark Shadows was my intro to DS, or if I saw an episode on PBS (black and white, Vicki sleeping during a thunderstorm in the Old House, the ghost of Sarah singing eerily in the distance), or my best friend's mother's Marilyn Ross paperbacks (Barnabas Collins and The Secret of Barnabas Collins) ... but I do know that I first saw HODS when my mother taped it off of TNT one cold, winter Montana eve.  The video tape ran out, so I didn't know that Barnabas bites it in the end (instead of the other way around, wocka wocka) ... until the 1991 series debuted, and TBS ran both HODS and NODS back to back.  I was horrified.

But I still love it.  It's one of those movies I can watch over and over, which is rare these days, and I don't quite understand why (I've seen it it three times this year alone, at least)... but why question love?

Happy 48th anniversary, House of Dark Shadows!