Monday, July 30, 2018

Dark Shadows: The Complete Newspaper Strips

It finally came -- my very, VERY special copy of Hermes Press' new edition of the Dark Shadows comic strips that ran from 1971-1972 (and that inspired my very own comic strip series, which you can find by clicking on the "comic strip" link to the right).  Mine is 25 out of 125, containing a GORGEOUS colorized plate of K. Bruce Bald's illustration of Angelique, autographed by Lara Parker.

As a sidenote -- and since I've never encountered anyone noticing this in print, so I'm going to claim to be the first one -- Bald's artwork is much (and deservedly) ballyhooed, and it's been pointed out several times that he used both Seaview Terrace (the original Collinwood on the television series) and Lyndhurst (the mansion on the Hudson River used in House and Night of Dark Shadows) as the model for the comic strip Collinwood, but as I was flipping through my new copy, I discovered that Bald also used Ettington Hall in a few panels, which keen-eyed horror movie fans may recognize as Hill House from Robert Wise's 1963 adaptation of my favorite Shirley Jackson novel, The Haunting of Hill House.  Observe:

The panel from the DS comic strip ...

... and Ettington Hall posing as Hill House in The Haunting.

I'm a giant nerd.  A giant, happy nerd.

1968: Barnabas and Victoria

That looks like a healthy relationship.

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season Five: Episode One

Now that season 5 of our ongoing Dark Shadows based comic strip has concluded (returning spring 2019), I'll do what I did last year (and the year before) (and the year before that) (etc.) and present them weekly in a digest format, where you can enjoy seven daily strips as one entire "episode."

TIP:  For the color "Sunday" strips, right click so you can open them in a separate tab ... then you can enlarge them so you can actually read the word balloons.


Previously, on Dark Shadows  ...

And now ... Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 5 ...

Friday, July 27, 2018

Dark Shadows Season 5: Season Finale!

How did Barnabas return to life?
Where is Victoria Winters?
And why is Petofi walking around in Aristede's body?

Stay tuned for the answers, spring 2019 ... in the meantime, I'll be publishing weekly digest "episodes" starting on Sunday!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 5: Angelique Is In Danger!

The Dark Shadows comic strip will return next Wednesday for the startling conclusion to Season 5! 

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Angelique Vs. Barnabas

Or ... Angelique loves Barnabas.

Or ... Angelique LOATHES Barnabas.

Or ... Angelique loves someone else, but actually, it's probably Barnabas.

At any rate, here are some moments from a variety of time periods where Barnabas and Angelique have some kind of confrontation.  Sparks will fly; they always do.