Monday, April 30, 2018

1968: The Madness of Cassanrdra Collins

Bewigged:  like Bewitched, but with more witches in wigs.

Also, nothing strikes terror into the hearts of your enemies like purple butterflies on your magical witch's robe.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Joe Haskell

Because Joe Haskell is the CUTEST.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Collinwood at Christmas

Or Lyndhurst, the Collinwood of House and Night of Dark Shadows.  Maybe the Collins family celebrated Christmas when nobody was looking.  You know, before they were all slaughtered by their cousin the vampire.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 5: Nicholas Vs. Cassandra!

Here's a tip, kiddies:  right click on the colorized Sunday strips in order to read them in their larger format. 

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Monday, April 16, 2018

Dark Shadows on Laser Disc

Do you guys remember laser discs?  I do, but only dimly; as a child of the 80s, I remember how, occasionally, waaaaaaay back in the little Montana town where I grew up in 1984 or so, our teachers would pull out the laser disc player so we could watch a movie ... but I think that, even then, they were becoming outdated.  It's funny though; when DVDs became a thing in the late 90s, laser discs were the first thing I thought of.

I still wouldn't mind having a copy of this, though.  It's a curiosity if nothing else.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 5 PREMIERE!

During the season finale for last year's Dark Shadows comic strip, Barnabas Collins was dead ... with the help of Angelique and Julia Hoffman, Victoria Winters had ventured into a parallel world to save him, and instead unknowingly unleashed the vengeful witch Cassandra on her friends ... and because Cassandra wants Barnabas back as badly as Vicki does, the evil sorceress arranges an exchange ... to bring Barnabas back, a sacrifice must be made ...

And now ... the SEASON FIVE premiere of the Dark Shadows comic strip ...

(If you want to catch up on the previous four seasons, click on the "comic strip" label and you'll be able to find 'em ...)

Saturday, April 14, 2018

1795: Barnabas Lurks Outside the Old House

I'm a big fan of this photo shoot that positions Jonathan Frid in full Barnabas drag all over the Spratt Mansion, the house adjacent to Lyndhurst, where House and Night of Dark Shadows were filmed.  Wintery and creepy and a level of verisimilitude that sometimes I forget didn't really exist in the 1795 episodes.  Or any.

Friday, April 13, 2018

1968: Young Lovers

I'm also super positive that Angelique really cares for Joe; certainly she isn't staring at him like he was a poptart ...

Thursday, April 12, 2018

1897: Concerned Angelique is Concerned

Or she's about to lose her prize to Count Petofi.  That might also be a thing.  Nah; I'm sure she truly cares about what happens to Jamison Collins.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

1795(ish): Janet Meehan

An illo by Janet Meehan from Kathy Resch's 1795 Concordance (get yourself one; heck, get all of 'em!).  I always thought this was a fairly bizarre picture ... Trask, Naomi, and Joshua are obviously their 1897 counterparts.  And then there's wee Daniel, just peeeeeeeeering out from beneath the gallows ...

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Monday, April 9, 2018

Dark Shadows: The Revival, British Style

I love that they a) of all, feature Joanna Going's Josette as a vampire (which technically she never became; that was all Angelique's doing), and b) of all, Barbara Blackburn's Carolyn is mad-featured, as is her weird 90s hat.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Saturday, April 7, 2018


We all know that House of Dark Shadows was Dan Curtis' gleeful attempt to re-envision the "Introduction of Barnabas" storyline the way he wanted it to done in the first place:  very bloody, everybody dead, including one very staked vampire ancestor.  And Night of Dark Shadows borrows from 1970 Parallel Time (and DuMaurier's Rebecca ... again).  Just for funzies, let's see how scenes from the original series stack up against their cinematic counteparts, shall we?

Releasing Barnabas


Introducing the Collins Family



 Barnabas Meets the Family


 Carolyn (and Vicki) Visit the Old House

 Barnabas Attacks Carolyn


  Barnabas Meets Maggie Evans

 Furious Barnabas Attacks


Julia Discovers Barnabas' Secret

A coupla different times:

Todd Jennings/Blake, Vampirized

Julia Confronts Barnabas

Julia's Cure

 Barnabas Beats Willie 


Strangling Julia Hoffman


On the show, however, she always survived:

The Aging of Barnabas/Attacking Maggie

Transforming Maggie Into Josette


 The Death of Barnabas Collins


And Meanwhile, in Night of Dark Shadows ... the Arrival of Quentin and Mrs. Collins

Meeting the Housekeeper

 The Portrait of Angelique Collins

 Gerard Stiles

Laura Collins

The Witch-hunter:  Reverend Strack/Trask

Kissing on Quentin

 Gabriel Collins

Laura Vs. Angelique


The Eyes of Angelique

 The Death of Angelique

Okay, okay, okay ... so there were a lot of them.  Let's look at the first one, which was also by strangulation

Facing Down Carlotta/Mrs. Danvers


Abusive Quentin

 The Ghost of Angelique