Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Monday, August 28, 2017

1970 Parallel Time: Behind the Scenes

Lara Parker (as Alexis) taking notes while David Selby listens intently.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

1968: Nicholas Blair

Get hip to the warlock.

A Very Dark Shadows Party!

I love Robert Rodan, still in character as Adam and with a very Adam-esque look on his face, ogling Lara Parker, Don Briscoe, and ... is that Rich Little?  Sure.  Rich Little.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Don Briscoe, Super Stud

Or maybe he's just a regular stud.  Or a vampire stud.  Or stud could actually be part of the word "studio"; who knows.  No matter; Tom Jennings, vampire love god.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

1967: Curing the Vampire

Buzzing through the early "Resurrection of Barnabas" episodes on Hulu (and not allowing myself to fast forward).  Just reached the color episodes, and I'm particularly struck by the dynamic between Grayson Hall and Jonathan Frid, especially this early in the relationship of their characters, and how the cure goes down.  I've discovered that I almost prefer the cruel, cold, conflicted Barnabas who spars with "Dr. Hoffman" more than the savior we see near the end of the series.  And Grayson's wig is endlessly fascinating; I hope she and Lara Parker had a ritual burning after it was established that Cassandra had left the show permanently.