Monday, July 31, 2017

Night of Dark Shadows: Angelique Hanging

I've never seen this shot before of Angelique hanging in Night of Dark Shadows.  If you look closely you can see the face -- Lara Parker did her own stunts for this shot, didn't she?

Dark Shadows Files: Interview with Sam Hall

Presenting an interview with Sam Hall from The Dark Shadows Files, a collection of photos and interviews published by Edward Gross in the 80s.  Beware, though; Hall is a thorny participant in his own nostalgia, and his observations about his time on Shadows may not make you especially happy ...

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Night of Dark Shadows: Tracy Collins

The Mistress of Collinwood -- Night of Dark Shadows edition -- astride one of her new horses.  I like Tracy, I really do -- Kate Jackson has that likable quality, I guess -- but by the end of the movie, I'm sorta ready for her to go.  Who goes back into the haunted house again?  Derp.  She obviously never saw Burnt Offerings.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

1897: Rehearsing with Frid

Nancy Barrett as Charity as Pansy Faye rehearsing with a bespectacled Frid.

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season Four: Episode One

Now that season 4 of our ongoing Dark Shadows based comic strip has concluded (returning spring 2018), I'll do what I did last year (and the year before) (and the year before that) and present them weekly in a digest format, where you can enjoy seven daily strips as one entire "episode." Enjoy!

Previously, on Dark Shadows ...

Barnabas Collins is dead ... now what?  Find out on Dark Shadows:  Season Four.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

1897: Behind the Scenes with Grayson and Frid

Grayson Hall, minus her Magda wig, and Frid, looking amused.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Lara Parker Headshots

Sigh.  Terrible photocopies again, but they're definitely a part of this same photo shoot that, fortunately, exist in color:

Lara Parker forever.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Kathryn Leigh Scott ...

... but were afraid to ask.  Maggie Evans as Eve Arden?  What?

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Humbert Allen Astredo

...otherwise known as the incomparable Nicholas Blair.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 4 Finale!

bum Bum BUM!


And, as I have done with seasons past, I will be posting weekly digest versions of the Dark Shadows comic strip starting next week.