Sunday, October 30, 2016

Lyndhurst and the Halloween That Almost Wasn't

When I was a wee young thing my brother and I were semi-obsessed with an annual Halloween special that started airing in 1979, known alternately as The Halloween That Almost Wasn't and The Night That Dracula Saved the World.  (My brother still quotes it:  "Teeny tiny bat ... teeny tiny bat ...")  It's pretty nonsensical and super-hilarious:  Count Dracula has to convince "The" Witch to fly on her broom over the moon, otherwise Halloween ... won't happen.  (Yeah, I don't know; but them's the rules.  I guess.)  Feeling nostalgic, my husband and I found it on youtube this evening; while watching it, I suddenly realized ... hey, those blue tiles on the floor of "Dracula's Castle" are familiar.  Of course they are; turns out it was filmed at Lyndhurst.

Check it out here:

Those windows!

Those floors!

And there's the tower itself!

Now ... go take your favorite witch out for some disco dancin'!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Grayson in House of Dark Shadows

A rare shot of Grayson as Julia Hoffman in House of Dark Shadows.

Friday, October 14, 2016