Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The People of Collinsport

Screen captures from the Dark Shadows movie website (  Love the descriptions, particularly noting that Julia is "brilliant but batshit."  HiLARious!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Goodbye, Jonathan Frid


You will be missed.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Au Revoir, Cassandra Collins

Surprise!  With Nicholas Blair disposed of and Angelique's vampire curse nice and lifted, it seems logical to assume that Angelique would ... show up in Elizabeth's dream and strike up a nearly forgotten (and let's face it, pretty petty) curse that gets the Collinwood matriarch buried alive!  Of course!  I'm sure she totally had "Re-vamp Barnabas" on her list of things to do (right under "Cut and dye my hair") before the devil whisked her off to the 18th century.


"It will be as if you are dead ... I promised you that!"